Dr. Kenneth A. Jacobson

Chief of the Molecular Recognition Section in the Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry (NIH/NIDDK)

Dr. Jacobson is Chief of the Molecular Recognition Section in the Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health. He is a medicinal chemist, interested in the structure and pharmacology of G protein-coupled receptors, particularly receptors adenosine and nucleotide receptors. He obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry from University of California, San Diego. Numerous awards include: 2009 Medicinal Chemistry Hall of Fame, 2017 Smissman Award and 2023 E. B. Hershberg Award (American Chemical Soc.); 2014 ASPET Goodman and Gilman Award in Drug Receptor Pharmacology; Highly Cited, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Thomson Reuters; Fellow of American Chemical Soc. and American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.