Dr. Ionel Mangalagiu
University of Iasi
Dr. Mangalagiu is a professor of organic and medicinal chemistry and Vice-Rector with research at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. Previously, prof. Mangalagiu served as Dean, Vice-Dean, Head of Organic Chemistry Department, etc. at Faculty of Chemistry. He has nearly 30 years of experience in the research, focused in the area of Heterocycles Compounds. He has over 200 papers, 15 patents, 6 international chapter books, a Hirsh index of 32, etc. He was Visiting Professor and/or invited speaker to prestigious foreign universities (Ludwig Maximilianus University Munchen, Technische University Braunschweig, University of Florence, University of Angers, University of Viena), awarded with numerous prizes and honours: DAAD and NATO award, Costin D. Nenitescu Medal (Romanian Society of Chemistry), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi Award in Research, Grand Prize Euroinvent (Euroinvent, Romania), Special Award of Croatian Association of Inventors, etc.